Tuesday, December 23, 2008

What I've Been Up To

This is a blog for my friends, just to fill in anything I haven't told them...

So, in September I signed with SESAC, I share my representative there with a number of big names, no name dropping on this blog I'm afraid! I am in no way saying I am up there with these grammy award winners but it's encouraging to have people like that on my side, advising me!

Until now I've been building up my catalogue to 20-30 songs that are to a commercial standard, not just the first 20-30 songs I came up with (like those writers/producers reading this know, you gotta make a pile of crap before you hit the good stuff!) I've still gotta touch a few up but come January, its done. I like to use the metaphor of building a house, I've been laying the foundations and am now decorating before I move in (haha, genius!). The "moving in" portion will be getting my management (I have a few options there) sorted and then meet the labels and shop my work, looking for placements and production deals. I'm going for the 3rd and 4th quarters this year.

I've also been working with a few dope producers, writing for them, I will be posting a few blogs about them later, once I've asked for their permission, just to give them a shout out (cos all of 2 people read this blog! haha). With one guy in particular, I've penned 3-4 crazy sure radio smashes (politics aside), more details later in the new year. I'm real excited about the work I've done with them.

Don't get it twisted, the last few months haven't been that great, my music career is on the up but I've had no money and all the nice things that come with that so I can focus and do music full time and most recently my fiance who has had to go back to the UK whilst I do my thing out here. This sh!t ain't a game, I'm gonna make this happen but in order to do that, I've had to sacrifice (I'm in no way feeling sorry for myself, just being real with y'all). I think that's something budding producers/writers don't hear enough about, the struggle before the fame/success. So...I'm gonna tell you, as it happens, when it happens. I'm going through it now. I was one of the people who thought it was easy having a good 4-6 track demo, getting signed by management, publishing deal, production deals. Nope, doesn't work like that. You've gotta have product man, you can't open a shop and only have 4-6 items, you need stock and that's what I've been doing.

Anyways, thats enough for today children. Tomorrow I'm gonna vent about albums being re-released with extra songs on, man that gets on my tits, until then, much love, thanks for reading!

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