Wednesday, December 31, 2008

For anyone wanting to succeed in life....

I thoroughly recommend this book for anyone who wants to accomplish something that may seem slightly out of reach or even impossible to get to. I read this book at a time in my life when I feel I was truly finding myself (sounds spiritual but its true!). What's funny is that all of the principles Russell Simmons (I haven't introduced him cos if you don't know who he is you need to check yourself!), lays out in this book, I had just realized for myself. The biggest lesson from this book is the title of the book "Do YOU".

See, being an RnB Producer/Writer I felt I had to act, talk, be a certain way, I however came to the realization that this isn't the way to be. I'm a big believer in "Real recognize Real", if you aren't yourself, you'll never be taken seriously, maybe by a few people- but they too aren't being true to who they really are, otherwise they'd have figured you out!

Since this realization, reaffirmed by this book, I found myself to be so much more confident, friendly and most importantly HAPPIER-hell it's no coincidence that my music making improved considerably once I stopped trying to force certain styles etc and just let it flow. I know a fair few people who have failed to realize this vital life lesson, needless to say I'm not friends with them anymore. I don't have time for fake people, I do have time for real people however.

Being yourself is the coolest thing you can be. Fronting like you're this or you're that is the most uncool, unattractive thing you can do and people ALWAYS suss you out eventually.

Russell Simmons is considered the "godfather of hip hop" and this book outlines why he is so successful. He does talk a lot about yoga and meditation and encourages being a vegan- but that's HIM. Me, I don't find that appealing so whilst I took it in, I just didn't practice any of it (anyone that knows me knows I will NEVER give up meat!! haha).

There are a few other books I recommend for success in the music industry but this one is one fore EVERYBODY to read.

So here's to a prosperous '09 and if you haven't already, make sure you DO YOU this year and for the rest of your life!


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